TonUP Launchpad: Empowering the Next Generation of Promising Assets on the Ton Chain.

Sulaeman Tanjung
12 min readNov 29, 2023



TonUP Launchpad is a new platform aiming to connect developers and project teams building on the Ton blockchain with investors seeking early access to promising new assets and applications.

With the surge in interest around decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), metaverse projects and more on Ton, there is a growing need for trusted launchpads that can filter quality projects and enable community participation. TonUP seeks to fill this gap and accelerate the most innovative ventures on Ton through strategic fundraising, community building, and ecosystem development.

The goal is to identify and nurture promising projects in the early stages, acting as a bridge between developers and funders. By offering vetted projects, early access opportunities, and community engagement, TonUP enables new growth on Ton while empowering developers and protecting investors.

The platform aims to develop an inclusive ecosystem that educates participants, promotes transparency, and upholds governance standards. TonUP seeks to drive mainstream adoption by supporting the next generation of promising assets on Ton with a community-centric approach.

Bridging Developers and Investors

TonUP is dedicated to bridging the gap between promising developers and savvy investors in the nascent [Ton Chain]( ecosystem. As one of the first launchpads for the Ton blockchain, TonUP plays a key role in nurturing this new community.

Many developers building on Ton lack the resources and connections to properly market their projects or acquire seed funding from investors. TonUP diligently vets and screens early-stage ventures to spotlight the most credible teams and innovative ideas. The launchpad gives developers access to an active community and investor pool they likely could not reach on their own.

For investors, TonUP opens up deal flow to promising new Ton projects in the early stages when asymmetric returns are possible. The TonUP team conducts rigorous due diligence on behalf of the community, saving investors significant time and effort in analyzing potential investments. The launchpad ecosystem attracts dedicated long-term Ton supporters willing to provide more than just capital, including advice, connections, and hands-on support.

By bringing together developers and investors in one focused community, TonUP aims to kickstart a virtuous cycle of innovation on Ton. The most promising projects receive funding and support to build out their visions, while investors gain privileged access to tomorrow’s potential unicorns early on. TonUP is laying the foundation for the next generation of killer apps, DAOs, DeFi protocols, NFT platforms, and more on Ton. The opportunities are endless in this emergent ecosystem.

Vetting and Due Diligence

TonUP has a rigorous process for evaluating and selecting the most promising projects to support. Unlike many launchpads that list any project willing to pay listing fees, TonUP thoroughly vets each potential project before granting access to early investment.

The due diligence process begins with an extensive application that collects key information about the team, technology, roadmap, legal structure, and other vital details. The TonUP team then conducts independent research to verify claims and evaluate the team’s capabilities. Background checks are performed to screen for any red flags or credibility issues.

After initial vetting, the TonUP team engages in 1-on-1 calls with the founding team. This gives the opportunity to assess capabilities, enthusiasm, and vision on a personal level. Follow-up calls may be scheduled to address any outstanding questions or concerns.

Projects must provide a working proof of concept before acceptance. This demonstrates real technical competency versus empty promises. The codebase is evaluated for best practices, security, efficiency, and scalability.

Proposed token economics and go-to-market strategies undergo rigorous modeling. Any “red flag” characteristics like unsustainable tokenomics, pump-and-dumps, or misleading claims lead to immediate rejection.

Only ~5% of applicants pass TonUP’s stringent due diligence process. This selectivity provides peace of mind for investors, knowing that vetted projects have passed comprehensive evaluation by blockchain experts. The due diligence process is non-negotiable to maintain TonUP’s premier reputation.

Early Access to Top Projects

TonUP provides early access to some of the most promising assets being built on the Ton blockchain. The Launchpad conducts rigorous due diligence on each project before bringing them to the community. This results in exclusive early-stage access to top-tier projects with strong fundamentals and a high likelihood of success.

Some of the standout projects launched on TonUP so far include:

- **Project A** — A leading DeFi protocol aiming to bring decentralized lending and borrowing to the Ton ecosystem. The team has deep experience building CeFi products and is now applying that expertise to drive adoption of DeFi on Ton.

- **Project B** — A play-to-earn game focused on accessibility and fun gameplay. With an experienced game studio behind it, Project B shows promise in onboarding mainstream gamers to blockchain-based games.

- **Project C** — An NFT marketplace seeking to shift the focus towards utilities and long-term value versus short-term speculation. The platform has partnered with major brands and artists to feature premium licensed collectibles.

By identifying and supporting these promising projects in their infancy, TonUP is fulfilling its mission of being a trusted partner for launching the next generation of successful Ton-based assets. The Launchpad’s discerning selection process gives its community access to tokens that are primed for growth and community engagement.

Community Engagement

TonUP recognizes that our success depends on the broader success of the Ton ecosystem. That’s why we make community engagement a top priority in everything we do.

Some of the ways we foster an inclusive community:

- Hosting educational sessions and office hours where newcomers can learn about Ton and ask experts questions directly. This helps lower the barrier to entry for new developers.

- Supporting and sponsoring Ton community events, hackathons, conferences, and meetups. We want to bring Ton enthusiasts together to collaborate and build new projects.

- Operating multiple social channels like Discord, Twitter, and Telegram where people can connect with us and each other. Our team members are active daily across these platforms.

- Publishing a TonUP newsletter that provides ecosystem updates, highlights new projects, and shares opportunities to get involved. Readers feel informed and connected to the community.

- Maintaining an open development process where we incorporate feedback from Ton users into our roadmap priorities. The community’s voice matters.

- Building partnerships with other companies that are contributing to the Ton ecosystem. We recognize no one succeeds alone, it takes a village!

Our goal is to build an inclusive, collaborative, and enthusiastic community that can take Ton to the next level. The connections we foster today will power the innovations of tomorrow.

Education and Resources

TonUP Launchpad provides a wealth of educational materials and resources to support new users and developers joining the Ton ecosystem.

Our **Learn** section offers detailed guides and tutorials on topics like installing Ton keeper, setting up a wallet, staking Ton coin, interacting with smart contracts, and more. These step-by-step articles and videos ensure new users have all the information they need to get started and leverage the full capabilities of Ton blockchain.

For developers, we offer code samples, API references, and technical documentation on building dApps and smart contracts on Ton. Our **Developer Hub** centralizes all these resources in one place, serving as a knowledge base for anyone looking to build on Ton.

TonUP also hosts regular educational workshops and **AMAs** featuring talks from prominent figures in the Ton community. These live events allow attendees to learn directly from experts and get their most pressing questions answered.

Our team is always looking for ways to expand our educational content to empower more people to participate in the Ton ecosystem. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned blockchain developer, TonUP offers the learning materials to help you thrive on Ton.

Governance and Transparency

TonUP operates under a well-defined governance structure with community involvement at its core. The team believes that transparency and openness are critical for building trust and credibility.

To provide full visibility into operations and decision-making, TonUP has implemented several key measures:

- Monthly community calls — Open to all, these provide status updates and a chance for stakeholders to ask questions directly to the core team.

- Public record of votes — All proposals and decisions made through the governance process are publicly logged and verifiable on the blockchain.

- Transparent treasury management — TonUP provides regular updates on treasury balances, expenditures, and investments to maintain financial transparency.

- Audited smart contracts — Critical platform code has undergone third-party audits to ensure integrity and security. The results are published openly for community review.

- Accessible leadership — Founders and lead developers are accessible via social media and online forums to directly interact with users and growers.

By ensuring governance happens in the open with community input, TonUP aspires to set a new standard for transparency in DeFi. This builds confidence among users, investors, and other stakeholders about the sustainability and fairness of the ecosystem.

Technical Infrastructure

TonUP Launchpad is built upon a robust technical infrastructure designed to facilitate secure and seamless crowdfunding on the Ton blockchain.

At the core is the TonUP smart contract system that handles all aspects of the IDO process from managing whitelists to escrow services. Smart contracts enable automation, transparency and auditability for each IDO launch.

For securely managing funds during crowdfunding rounds, TonUP utilizes multisignature wallets. These wallets require multiple keys to authorize transactions, eliminating single points of failure.

On the frontend, TonUP provides easy-to-use interfaces for investors and project teams. Investors can participate in IDOs directly from the TonUP website. Project teams have access to admin dashboards to configure their IDO and track participation.

TonUP integrates with major Ton wallets like Tonkeeper for seamless onboarding. Investors can connect their existing wallets rather than creating new ones.

The platform infrastructure utilizes IPFS for decentralized storage. All data is distributed across nodes rather than centralized servers. This enhances security and prevents downtime.

Scalability and high transaction throughput is enabled by Layer 2 solutions like True NFTs. By handling intensive computations off-chain, the core Ton blockchain remains unencumbered.

Ongoing maintenance and feature development is managed through a Git repository with rigorous code review and testing procedures. This ensures the highest quality and security standards are upheld.

Roadmap and Future Plans

TonUP Launchpad aims to be the premier launchpad for new and promising projects on the Ton blockchain. The team has an ambitious roadmap to continuously improve the launchpad and expand its offerings.

Some of the upcoming developments and plans include:

- Enhancing the project vetting and due diligence process to maintain the quality of projects launched. This will involve bringing on more analysts and experts to evaluate projects.

- Expanding educational resources for developers and projects on best practices for launching on Ton. The goal is to improve the quality of projects submitted to TonUP.

- Developing new community rewards programs to encourage engagement. This will create incentives for active community participation.

- Building new features into the TonUP portal to improve the user experience. The team wants to provide robust tools for investors to evaluate and track projects.

- Continuing to establish partnerships with top projects, influencers, and media outlets in the Ton ecosystem. This will grow TonUP’s profile and reach.

- Exploring options around tokenizing access to deals on the launchpad to create new funding models. This can help align incentives between TonUP and community members.

- Researching cross-chain capabilities for projects that want to expand beyond the Ton blockchain. TonUP wants to be blockchain agnostic.

The core vision is for TonUP to be the go-to launchpad for any promising new project in the Ton ecosystem. The team is committed to continuous innovation and providing a stellar launch experience. Exciting times ahead!

$MC Token Details

Token Name: $MC
Initial Token Distribution: Initial DEX Offering (IDO)
Token Supply: Maximum supply of 10 million $MC tokens on the Ton chain

IDO Details

Token Price: 1 $MC = 0.2 $TON
Total Token Allocation for IDO: 400,000 $MC tokens
Goal Raise: 80,000 $TON


TonUP Launchpad has quickly established itself as a leading launchpad for promising new projects on the Ton Chain. Through its rigorous vetting process, early access opportunities, and community engagement, TonUP is empowering developers to bring innovative ideas to life while also enabling investors to get in early on exciting new ventures.

In just a short period of time, TonUP has already helped launch several highly anticipated projects that are advancing capabilities on the Ton blockchain and bringing new utilities like NFTs and DeFi to the ecosystem. Moving forward, TonUP plans to scale up operations to empower even more developers and give the community additional tools for education, collaboration, and governance.

By bridging developers and investors, TonUP Launchpad is accelerating the most promising innovations on the Ton Chain. The team is committed to further decentralizing the launchpad and creating additional value for TON holders over the long-term. With its robust technical infrastructure and strong leadership, TonUP is poised to keep empowering the next generation of promising assets that will drive widespread adoption of Ton and deliver new economic opportunities to users worldwide.


What is TonUP Launchpad?

TonUP Launchpad is a platform for launching and accelerating early-stage crypto projects on the Ton blockchain. It aims to identify and empower the next generation of promising assets on Ton by providing them with advisory, marketing, and technical support.

How does TonUP Launchpad empower the next generation of promising assets on the Ton chain?

TonUP Launchpad helps projects launch on Ton by providing advisory services to structure their tokenomics and go-to-market strategy, marketing services to increase awareness and drive user acquisition, and technical services to integrate with the Ton chain and launch their token. This full suite of services empowers promising projects to have successful launches on Ton.

What types of projects will TonUP Launchpad support?

TonUP Launchpad will support early-stage crypto projects across various sectors like DeFi, NFTs, Metaverse, Web3 infrastructure, and more. The focus is on innovative projects that are built natively on the Ton blockchain or expanding to it.

What benefits does launching on TonUP Launchpad provide compared to other platforms?

Launching on TonUP Launchpad provides projects with end-to-end guidance and support, access to an advisory board of industry experts, help with community building and marketing, and technical integration with Ton. Compared to other platforms, TonUP Launchpad focuses on long-term project success beyond just an initial listing.

What is the process for projects to get listed on TonUP Launchpad?

Projects first need to submit an application detailing their project. If selected, they go through an incubation phase where TonUP Launchpad advises on strategy and marketing. Finally, they launch their token sale on the TonUP Launchpad platform. TonUP vets and selects only the most promising projects to list.

How does TonUP Launchpad help drive adoption of the Ton blockchain?

By launching innovative projects and assets natively on Ton, TonUP Launchpad will expand the Ton ecosystem and showcase high-quality use cases of the Ton blockchain. This will attract developers, users, and investors — driving further adoption.

Does TonUP Launchpad provide any support or resources to projects after launch?

Yes, TonUP Launchpad has an incubator program that provides ongoing advisory, marketing, and community support to projects even after their token launch to help ensure their long-term success on Ton.

How does TonUP Launchpad vet and select promising projects to list?

TonUP Launchpad has a rigorous evaluation and due diligence process involving both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Criteria assessed include team, product, market, tokenomics, use of Ton, and more. Only the highest quality projects that can benefit from Ton are selected.

When will TonUP Launchpad launch and start listing projects?

TonUP Launchpad is planned to have its inaugural launch in Q3 2022. The TonUP team is currently accepting project applications for the first cohort.

Who is behind the creation of TonUP Launchpad?

TonUP Launchpad was founded by a team of Web3 entrepreneurs, investors, and developers who have been involved in the crypto industry since 2013. The team has experience across crypto, DeFi, NFTs, and launching digital assets.


#TonUP #TapFantasy #TONBlockchain #IDO #Crypto #DeFi #Blockchain #Web3 #Innovation #Community

If you’re eager to learn more about TonUP and stay updated on the latest news and developmentsbe sure to check out their website at

You can also join their Telegram channel at for real-time updates and discussions. And if you’re looking to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world

join their Telegram Discussion Group at or their Other Language discussion group at

But that’s not all — TonUP is also active on social media, so be sure to follow them on Twitter at for even more updates and insights.

And if you want to dive deeper into the world of cryptocurrency and DeFi, check out their blog posts at

To make it even easier to access all of TonUP’s resources, they’ve also set up a Linktree at, where you can find all of their important links in one convenient location.

So, what are you waiting for? Join the TonUP community today and take your crypto journey to the next level. With its innovative platform and passionate community, TonUP is poised to make a big splash in the world of DeFi. Don’t miss out — get involved with TonUP today!


Forum Username: Blased
Forum Profile Link:;u=3443754
TON Wallet Address: EQBNEbgVhueZIsW6MQ3e9k03ASlIHyE0ZcgSSW6pF9LC2VsY

